36 Days of Type

36 Days of Type was started in 2014 by designers Nina Sans and Rafa Goicoechea of Treintayseis Studio in Barcelona. The project runs annually and is an open call to all visual artists to create and share their views on the letters and numbers of the Latin alphabet. The project runs over 36 consecutive days where all visual artists gather as a global and simultaneous act showing the collective representation of the same letterforms from thousands of different perspectives.

This year, I decided to create all my type in 3D, exploring different ways I see numbers and letters through a three dimensional space.

Art Director/Designer: Andrew Vuong

3D rendering of the letter A and B.3D rendering of the letter C and D.3D rendering of the letter E and F.3D rendering of the letter G and H.3D rendering of the letter I and J.3D rendering of the letter K and L.3D rendering of the letter M and N.3D rendering of the letter O and P.3D rendering of the letter Q and R.3D rendering of the letter S and T.3D rendering of the letter U and V.3D rendering of the letter W and X.3D rendering of the letter Y and Z.3D rendering of the number 0 and 1.3D rendering of the number 2 and 3.3D rendering of the number 4 and 5.3D rendering of the number 6 and 7.3D rendering of the number 8 and 9.